Adblock Fingerprinting and testing

Adblocker detection
Adblock detected: false
Adblocker: No name detected
Adguard UUID leak (Firefox): None detected

Content blocking detection
First-party blocking: No
First-party blocking (no-JS): Nodetected
Third-party blocking: No
HTML element hiding: No

Anti Adblock defuser detection
Script redirect: None detected
Image redirect: None detected
Frame redirect (Firefox): None detected
XHR redirect: None detected
XHR fetch defuser test
XHR blocked without response: false
response.url does not match: false
response length is too short: false

What does the site do? It detect content blocker behavior (Adguard and uBlock Origin) on Chrome and Firefox which can be used for tracking and Adblock detection. Also the site can be used for testing defuser scriptlets.

What is the Adguard UUID leak? Every Firefox Browser extension has a unique identifier which get generated with the install of a extension, the UUID. The UUID is hidden but with a small script the UUID can be leaked from the Firefox Adguard extension. With the UUID a site or tracking company can track the user around the web, a way to change the UUID can be to reinstall the browser extension. The bug got reported to Adguard

Direct link to the script: